Publicly Offered Research:2024FY

What defines network efficiency? – Chemotactic adaptation to optimize nutrient access

Marcel BeierIAHE / Dept. Biol. Sci.; Hokkaido University

Labyrinthula are microeukaryotic organisms that play an important role in marine ecosystems as saprobes and endophytic parasites. Labyrinthula are also interesting because they form an ectoplasmic network used for motility and nutrient acquisition. While it is clear that this network is necessary for Labyrinthula to perform their ecological roles, the formation and dynamics of this network is not well understood. In this study, we will develop novel microfluidic devices for the purpose ofsystematizing labyrinthulid network strategies for nutrient retrieval. Network response to varying nutrient availability will be evaluated along with underlying biological mechanisms of nutrient synthesis/metabolism using custom microfluidic devices and conventional gene network analyses. Additionally, this proposed study will directly contribute to fundamental aspects of proto-intelligence among network-forming organisms, offering potential biotech contributions for future application.

What defines network efficiency? – Chemotactic adaptation to optimize nutrient access

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