Diorama Production Team (A02-1)

This team leaders are Dr. Shinohara, who is measuring structure-motion interaction of sperm flagella and tracheal cilia from molecular to tissue scale, and Dr. Kikuchi, who is conducting in vivo visualization measurement of zebrafish intestine. We will support the fabrication of experimental apparatuses for other groups, including open research.

Research Subject

Proto-intelligence of mammalian airway ciliated cells in response to diorama environmental changes

In this project, we will elucidate the changes of cells in response to the environment in mammalian airway epithelial tissues, spermatozoa, and microalgae in the face of changes in the external environment.

(1) Analysis of the molecular basis of environmental changes and motility of mammalian airway ciliated cells
Mammalian airway ciliated cells are thought to expel invading pathogens from the body. In this project, we aim to clarify the changes of airway cilia cells in response to pathogens from the viewpoint of ciliary movement and intracellular structure. In addition, we will analyze the molecular basis of airway cilia movement mainly using mouse models.

(2) Analysis of the principles of environmental changes in sperm and microalgae motility and the molecular basis of motility
It has been reported that some animal sperm and microalgae have the ability to change their motility in response to the surrounding physical environment. In this research, we will clarify the principle of the change in motility of animal sperm and microalgae in response to the physical environment such as flow, space, and viscosity.

For the experiments on sperm, I will collaborate with Dr. Shiba in group A01-2 and Ishikawa in group B01-1. For the experiment on microalgae, I will collaborate with Dr. Ishikawa of Group B01-1 and Dr. Nakagaki of Group B02-1. The team will support the construction of Diorama environments and observation of intracellular structures in the entire area.

Diorama Production Team (A02-1)

Motor cilia in mouse airway epithelial tissue


Diorama Production Team (A02-1)

Kyosuke Shinohara

Department of Biotechnology and Life Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Associate Professor Kyosuke Shinohara

D. in Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2007.
D. in Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2007. He was a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), a Specially Appointed Researcher at Osaka University, and an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Biofunctional Biosciences, Osaka University before joining TUAT as a tenure-track Associate Professor in 2015.
He specializes in cell biology and fluid engineering.

Lab. HP

Yohei Takeda

Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Research Center for Global Agromedicine
Associate Professor Yohei Takeda

Lab. HP

Kentaro Noi

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Department of Biotechnology and Life Science, Graduate School of Engineering
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Kentaro Noi

Lab. HP

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