Publicly Offered Research:2024FY

Exploration of the mechanism of plant cell elongation exhibited by the diorama environment.

Yoshikatsu SatoInstitute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University

The evolution of the pollen tube fertilization system has greatly contributed to the terrestrialization of seed plants exposed to dry conditions. The mechanism by which pollen tubes reach the female tissue is known as pollen tube guidance. However, many aspects of its intricate mechanism remain unknown. For example, the mechanism by which pollen adhering to the stigma penetrates into the complex internal tissues is also unclear. In this study, we will employ fluorescence imaging techniques, microfabrication techniques, and atomic force microscopy in an artificial environment (diorama environment) to approach this issue. We aim to describe the sophisticated environmental adaptability at the cellular level with mechanical models and to understand the principle of "cellular intelligence expression" of pollen tubes.

Exploration of the mechanism of plant cell elongation exhibited by the diorama environment.

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