Publicly Offered Research:2024FY

Understanding and reconstructing the mechanism that defines the behavior algorithm of pollen tube cells

Hidenori TakeuchiInstitute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM), Nagoya University

A single male gametophyte cell, the pollen tube, of flowering plants has a cell-autonomous mechanism to elongate by tip growth. On the other hand, the female tissue, the pistil, precisely regulates the sequential behaviors of the pollen tube using many signaling molecules to ensure conspecific fertilization. Thus, the intrinsic "pistil diorama environment" activates the "intelligence" of pollen tube cells. In this study, we focus on the pollen tube sensors (multiple plasma membrane receptors) and corresponding pistil-derived regulatory molecules to elucidate the algorithms of pollen tube behavior. In combination with sensor modification and artificial reconstruction of the pistil diorama environment, we perform live imaging analysis of pollen tube behavior and generate a mathematical model describing how the pollen tube precisely reaches its target through complex male-female communication.

Understanding and reconstructing the mechanism that defines the behavior algorithm of pollen tube cells

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